BEF Grants
Improving the quality of education for students in the Berryhill Public Schools
The BEF accepts grant requests from Berryhill teachers and administrators to help fund class room, office and building needs, field trips and special projects. When you give to the BEF, you are funding these grants and improving the education and safety of our students!
Submit a Grant Request to the BEF
How to Submit a Grant Request
Any BEF employee, teacher, or administrator can submit a grant request to the BEF! The BEF reviews grant requests bimonthly in the order they are submitted. To submit a grant request, complete the Grant Request Google Form.
How often does the BEF award grants?
The BEF reviews most grants before the start of each fall and spring semester. Mid-semester grants are reviewed bimonthly.
How will I know if my grant was approved?
Once the BEF has reviewed and processed your grant, you will receive an e-mail letting you know the status and next steps.
The BEF makes every effort to fund every grant requests, but there are times where funding limits the number of grants that can be approved.